Widex masters the golden balance between service and inventory levels

The motto was: better too much than too less

Agreement and common governance principles

Inventory reduction of 1 million per month

"It has resulted in much higher efficiency and increased motivation."


Common set of rules

Widex struggled with setting an overall direction and lacked efficiency in their daily operation. Based on Inact Now they have created guidelines and rules that help them execute their strategy.

Inventory was reduced by DKK 6 million

Based on their analyses in Inact Now, they have changed the way they handle dead items and CC items. This has enabled them to reduce their inventory by 6 million DKK in only 6 months.

Improved delivery performance

The reduced inventory value hasn’t affected their ability to deliver. On the contrary. In less than a year, Widex has increased their delivery performance from 50% to 90%. Among other things, the common set of rules and structure has helped to ensure this.


Widex is a family-owned company founded in Denmark in 1956. Today, it is one of the world’s largest manufacturers of hearing aids. Widex hearing aids are sold in more than 100 countries around the world, and the company employs over 4,000 people worldwide.


Lasse Berg

Chief Commercial Officer

+45 2067 0690

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