Bygma strengthens its negotiating position and secures results on the bottom line

Lack of overview and Excel gymnastics

A tool in the supplier negotiation process

Efficiency in the tool

"The results exceeded our expectations"


Better supplier agreements

By focusing on individual supplier performance, their demands on suppliers are much more likely to be met and they can secure more profitable contracts.

Greater overview

With Inact Now as a tool in supplier negotiation, Bygma Gruppen has created greater transparency about the individual supplier’s performance.

Improved profitability

For Bygma, supplier negotiations are one of the keys to success. The improved supplier agreements have ensured increased revenue and lower inventory value.

Bygma Gruppen A/S

The Bygma Group is ranked among the Top 100 companies in Denmark. The company employs approx. 2,400 employees in more than 100 business units throughout the Nordic region. The Group is the largest Danish-owned supplier to the construction industry with activities in the sale and distribution of building materials for both large and small construction projects. In 2018, the Bygma Group had a revenue of approx. 7.9 billion DKK. DKK.

Lasse Berg

Chief Commercial Officer
+45 2067 0690

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